Transparency & Accountability


Regional Center Oversight Dashboard

Department of Developmental Services monitors the performance of regional centers to ensure they uphold the values of the Lanterman Act and meet obligations outlined in DDS contracts, state law and regulations.

Financial Transparency and Accountability

The Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC) recognizes the importance of transparency and accountability to the community it serves. As established in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, RCOC is committed to reporting information accurately and transparently and maintaining full compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations governing RCOC’s business.

Board Governance and Transparency

The RCOC Board of Directors has adopted an agency-wide Transparency and Public Information Policy.

The Board has also adopted the following policies:

RCOC Board of Directors Leadership Survey 2023

Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI) Language Access and Cultural Competency Report 2024

Referral Moratoriums

DDS Regional Center or Vendor/Contractor Whistleblower Complaints

Public Meetings Notices

Conflict of Interest Reporting Statements