What is affordable housing?
What makes housing “affordable” is the rent or mortgage payment cost relative to the individual’s or family’s income. According to the federal government, rental housing is affordable if a household pays no more than 30 percent of their income for rent. According to mortgage lenders, a home is affordable if the mortgage payment is not more than 35 percent of the borrower’s income.
Most people with developmental disabilities receive monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments of $870 per month ($10,440 per year) as their sole source of income. So-called “affordable” rent for someone receiving SSI payments as their sole source of income should be about $261 per month (i.e., 30 percent of SSI).
Where can I go to learn more about housing options for children with developmental disabilities?
RCOC has developed a guide for families of children with developmental disabilities looking for housing options. If you have additional questions after reviewing this handbook, please contact your RCOC service coordinator.
Where can I go to learn more about housing options for adults with developmental disabilities?
RCOC has developed a similar resource for adults with developmental disabilities to walk through the process of finding a place to call home. If there are questions you have after reviewing this handbook, please contact your RCOC service coordinator.
Where are people served by RCOC living now?
RCOC Residential Demographics
What are some of the models of successful housing?
Harbor Village and Integrity Cottages are two successful models RCOC has partnered in developing for people with developmental disabilities. Shannon’s Mountain is in early development phase and will mirror the success of Harbor Village.
Who pays for the housing for people with developmental disabilities?
There are several programs that can help pay for living expenses and provide other benefits to people with developmental disabilities. The law requires regional centers to make sure you have accessed all of the other programs and benefits available before spending any regional center funds on your services.