What is Self-Determination?

In October 2013, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed into law the Self-Determination Program, which provides individuals and their families more freedom, control, and responsibility in choosing services and supports to help them meet objectives in their Individual Program Plan.

To learn more about the Self-Determination Program, you can visit the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) website here or watch the short video below.

You can access this video in other languages here .

Program Updates

For the most recent Self-Determination Program implementation updates and directives from DDS, please click here .

How do I enroll in Self-Determination?

If you are interested in the Self-Determination Program, the Orientation Training is a required first step. You have two options for the Orientation (you only need to complete one):

Option 1:

You can complete the RCOC online training at your own pace. Click on the website below to create an account and start the Orientation: Click Here to Create an Account for the Online Orientation Training

**If you need assistance creating an accounting and enrolling in Orientation, email selfdetermination@nullrcocdd.com


Click Here to view the Orientation Training Flyer in English and Information on How to Register 


Click Here to view the Orientation Training Flyer in Spanish and Information on How to Register  


Option 2:

State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) offers Orientation via Zoom with a live trainer. You can view their training calendar to register for a training. Please visit their website at: https://scdd.ca.gov/sdp-orientation/

Additional Resources


Getting Started Steps and Informational Flyer (English)

Getting started steps and informational flyer (Spanish)

Financial Management Service (FMS) Providers

Financial Management Service (FMS) Providers – Spanish

Financial Management Service (FMS) Providers – Vietnamese

Self-Determination Program Padlet with Additional Information (English)

Self-Determination Program Padlet with Additional Information (Spanish)

Frequently Asked Questions 

DDS Training Materials 

Local Advisory Committee

As required by law, each regional center must establish a Local Volunteer Advisory Committee to ensure the effective implementation of the Self-Determination Program and facilitate the sharing of best practices and training materials. Members of these committees are appointed by the regional center and the Regional Office of the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD). The committee members must include individuals served by the regional center, family members, the regional center clients’ rights advocate, other advocates, and community leaders. It must also reflect the multicultural diversity and geographic profile of the catchment area.

Agenda for Upcoming Virtual Meeting via Zoom: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Click here to register for the Virtual Meeting via Zoom scheduled for Monday, October 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Meeting minutes (click to expand)

Independent Facilitator

In the Self-Determination Program, participants may choose to work with an Independent Facilitator who can support them in the program. The Independent Facilitator can assist participants by: leading the person-centered planning process, identifying needs, or locating services. Participants in the Self-Determination Program may choose to work with an Independent Facilitator, but it is not required. If the participant chooses to work with an Independent Facilitator, that person is required to receive training in the principles of self-determination, the person-centered planning process, and other responsibilities such as locating resources and making informed decisions. For more information, you can view the DDS website on Independent Facilitators.

If you are interested in working with an Independent Facilitator to help you transition into SDP, the cost of the pre-enrollment supports from an Independent Facilitator can be funded by the regional center through Self-Directed (SD) Supports (Service Code 099). Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports is available through Self-Directed Supports (Service Code 099). Click here to review DDS Directive regarding Initial Person-Centered Plan and Pre-Enrollment Transition Supports Guidance.


How to Find an Independent Facilitator

The California Self-Determination Program Network Manages a website to connect people to Independent Facilitators and services providers. Click here to find an Independent Facilitator.

Click here for the California Self-Determination Program Network flyer.

How to Become a Vendor for Self-Directed (SD) Supports

If you are an Independent Facilitator or Financial Management Services (FMS) agency, RCOC invites you to become vendored for Self-Directed (SD) Supports. A Vendorization Packet is required for review. For more information, please refer to the DDS Program Directive from March 2023. Click here for list of Program Directives.

Questions can be directed to selfdetermination@nullrcocdd.comor (714) 796-5181.

Training for Independent Facilitator

The California Department of Developmental Services (DSS) is in the process of developing a statewide Independent Facilitator (IF) certification. Please stay tuned for more information once the DDS statewide IF certification is completed.

The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) self-paced IF training will remain active for informational purposes only, but will no longer provide an introductory certificate of participation.

If you are interested in watching the IF series for informational purposes, please click on the YouTube link below:
English – https://youtu.be/vN_qJS_EwP4
Spanish – https://youtu.be/3-K3u1A6ygM
Vietnamese – https://youtu.be/Vd92JBioYYI

Google Drive Handouts for IF Training in English/Spanish: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Fp52N2BoSI8m5sSp6Hv-obXHIcjRxBSb?usp=sharing

Person-Centered Planning

The person-centered planning process is an essential component of Self-Determination. The video below is an hour and 5-minute presentation given on Person-Centered Planning.  It was given on December 3, 2018, at the Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee Meeting.  The presenters are Cristina Mercado, Person-Centered Thinking Coordinator at RCOC, and Tim Jin, Self-Advocate and Member of the Local Advisory Committee.  The training includes person-centered concepts, principles, and materials used with permission from The Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices along with personal examples used with permission from all parties involved.

Click here for more resources on person-centered planning.

Contact Us!

Do you have a question about Self-Determination or RCOC’s Self-Determination Program?  Send us a message!